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H V Vanajakshi Venkatachala Hagalagodu Kammaradi

Respect Dr Ramesh and his Wife Sujatha
According to me doctor is very kind, cool and talking with petient is very politly, its impressed me well. He is explaing our disease and its treatment very well. I had Slip disc problem and sever back pain and radiating in rt leg. After one course of treatment my pain is compeltely reduced and I joined here for second course.
Nurse Vimala Sowmy and geetha are good at their work. They are doing all treatment and arrange ment of food as time to time.
Atmosphere is good like home only

April 24, 2019

Pierre Ducloux form France

Namasthe to Dr Ramesh and all his team,

Thank you for the quality of care that seem to me really at the top. Thank you Dr Ramesh for the quality of your presence and your beautifull listening. Thank you to do the massage yourself and so you are able to feel in my body the evolution of the treatments. You are the man of faith, sincere in approach. Your ashram is not a ayurvedic center with bunglows bed side pool and so….. but the quality of treatments and after 17days spending here I really feel much more alive in my body and in my mind.

Thank you Sujatha, thank you for your kindness and your very good cooking

A big thanks also to Sowmya and Vimala you make a big work in the house.

Thank you

April 24, 2019

Amnon Israel

Dear Dr. Ramesh,
I have wanted to write this for a long time.
I want to thank you sincerely for the month that you let me stay at your Ashram. During this month I received so many different types of Ayurvedic treatments, including: massages with particular kinds of oils, massage with herb powder, sauna, oil anointing, treatment for nose and ears and you even prepared for me regularly “Kashai”, which helped me a lot dealing with the fistula problem, that I am suffering from. You also took care of this by changing the Kshar Sutra thread and daily dressings.
Dr. Ramesh, all the treatments were performed at the highest level and out of a sincere belief and conviction. You always cared personally and were attentive to my individual requests.
The rooms in the Ashram were cleaned daily, and your staff was always pleasant and generous.
The food was prepared according to my individual needs. It was very tasty and diverse.
Your wife and children were very warm and friendly.
I was deeply impressed when we visited your factory for different Kashai, and I saw how you honor the traditional ways and maintain them.
During my stay, I witnessed how your treatments saved people from various illnesses, like Arthritis, Paralysis in part of the face and tongue, high blood pressure and more. When people left your Ashram, they were healthy and happy after your treatment.
I will conclude by saying thank you and expressing once again my admiration and appreciation for your professionalism and personality.
Amnon Chalfon
הצג טקסט מצוטט

March 24, 2019

Alone Sagi Israel

I thank yo so much for your Ayurvedic treatment for the time I stayed here in Partha Ayurveda Ashram. I am lucky I had this oppurtunity it mae me feel physically better and also grow mentaly. I got to know about the wisdom of ayurveda from the talks we had, that were intersting.
Your dedication and the importance you give to help people are very strong and appriciated. It is nice to see that there are always people coming to your clinic to take Kashaya or tablets, and to see that they trust you and ayurveda in theses modern times. It is important to remember the ancient wisdom. It was very interesting to see your factory. You choose to make the medicine by your own so you have control of the quality and you preserve the ancient manufacturing.
I came after Kshaara sootra teatment and the 3week I stayed here were special time for me. All the treatments Abhyanga shirodhaara taila dhaara felt so good in the traditional way and most professionaly.
After few days I felt stronger I had no more tiredness in afternoon I always had.
The variety of food made by your wife was always delicius and satisfying. Also the fact that it was suitable for the diet you recomanded me was a good feeling.
The atmosphere in the ashram is relaxing and welcoming. Nurses Vimala Sowmya are caring well.
Many thanks to you and your wife Sujatha for making me feel at home.
Thanks for arranging me Yoga classes with Shreedhar for letting me meet your best friend and Guru Dr Kodandaram and for a beautiful day out in nature.
I look forward to implement the things I take from here to my everyday life, Like ealry sleeping, diet, about mental stateof mind peace full state of mind.
I will always remember the time here
All the best for you your family and all the ashram people.

February 24, 2019

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Jhon Joseph Bangalore

My son and Daughter in lows recommendation I came to Dr Ramesh In 2week from 12-12-18 for my Right hand makes pain head gets shake (Parkinsons). After 2weeks of treatment I feel better. Dr Ramesh is very very humble. Here they took good care of me and good dietary food. I felt here as my home.
Thanks to Dr Ramesh and staff

December 24, 2018

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Mr Subhash and Family Sindhanoor Karnataka India

One of my friend advice I came to this Ashrama for ayurvedic treatment. I have Osteo arthiries and my husband is having sever Gastrities back and neck pain. We took 2weeks of treatment and all our problems are reduced well.
This Ashrama has given us as homely atmoshphere and Dr Ramesh and his wife Sujatha are taking care of us well with smily face. Here every one talking with love and affection, So it helps us o get ot of from our Problem.
One who is coming over here for treatment they are receiving same hospitality and from our side god bless Dr Ramesh and his staff.
Thanking you. MRs Amruthama Subhash

November 24, 2018

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Uma R Mathoor, Shimoga

Since 40-45 years that I had experienced that what ever I have with health, is a waste. After hearing and enqiring I decided to under go treatmetn in Partha Ayueveda Koppa. I inclained towards ayurveda treatment since a long time. When I was admitted in hospital I couldnot feel it as hospital at all. It was as though as my home. No formalities among staff of the hospital and they become as are my family members. Their devotion to work , truthfulness are impress me. The treatment was carried out with devotion. My wish is that this Hospital finds its zenith and the qualitative healthy people increase. Dr Ramesh has got immence and deep knowledge of Ayurveda. When ever we ask doubts he explains it, going to the root of of the subject. By hearing it self we feel that we are cured. Ambition of mine is that lot and lot of people get this benefit. It is my humble wish.

November 12, 2018

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Krishnamoorthi S S Bengaluru

Since 48 yrs I was suffering from back ache (Degeneration of Vertebrae ) pain in both lower limbs. I undergone treatment in amy places under so many doctors but it vain. Dr P Ramesh bhat adviced me to get admisional treatment in Partha ayurveda ashrama Koppa. Here is wonderful homely atmosphere for pure ayurvedic treatment. Dr P V Ramesh and his wife Sujatha are taken care of me very well. Daily 3times he enquires about our health and after hearing changes in symptoms he used to change the way of treatment which helps me lot. The faith that he created in curing of disease in me is helped me lot. This is not Ayurvedic hospital its realy a Ashram.

Thank you.

November 12, 2018

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Saroja G R Chikmagaluru

I have been taken the allopathi medicine from last 5yrs but the disease had not cured. So I decided to take the ayurvedic medicine and in your ashram. You had treated very well and my disease has cured and now no pain in any joint. I will remember you sir , if my disease not come once again, then I will happy. You and your nurses treated me very well.

Thank you.

November 12, 2018

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Varsha Golgar

I come from one of the busiest, most polluted city that never sleeps – Mumbai. This city problems has caused my health to detriorate. I am suffering from Sinusites and when showed it to doctors in Mubai they suggested a surgery to take out nasal bones and drain the sinuses. This procedure made me nervous and wonder the after affects its going to have on my body.
My cousin called and asked me to come to Koppa and confidently told me I would be cured by Dr Ramesh. My first consultation with Dr Ramesh sealed the faith of being cured. Instead of asking me of my symptoms he told me exactly what I was going through. I stopped my antibiotics that I was taking (2000mg a day) and switched to his medicines immediately.
Partha ayurveda Ashramam is a place away from home but you feel as comfortable as your own. ( I hate the sight of hospitals and this place is exactly opposite). The ambience is peaceful, rooms are extremely clean and staff are very friendly catering to every need.

2weeks has been absolutely life chanding due to treatments ( has relieved pain, cleared my sinuses) and the knowledge that I have gained listening to Dr Ramesh.Sujatha is wonderful person ensuring we all eat healthy yet makes the most tasty food that Ihave always craved for. Shetakes time off to come and provide her warmth to each one of us by asking about out health and treatment.

I have made amazing friends in Chandrika and Sheela. Rosy, Vimala, and Geetha have been extremely helpful and friendly and have ensured we take timely medicine,food and treatment. Being here for 2weeks has given me hope and courage that I will make my health better and life holistic.

Thank you for curing me Dr Ramesh and I took forward to accepting more healing from you for the years to come.
With gratitude and respect.

November 12, 2018

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Sasha and Tatiana wolfe

What can we say about Partha Ayurveda Ashrama? First of all setting is very peace full and very quiet (comapred to Bangalore). We loved listening to the birds in the morning and watching the monkeys in the afternoon. The food is wonerfull and although there is not much entertainment, there is plenty of time for reading and personal reflection.

The staff is very kind and attentive, always making sure the room is clean and comfortable. We came to India because my wife studing ayurveda and told me about Kshaara sootra therapy for my Pilonidal cyst. We found Dr Ramesh Bhat for my kshaara sootra surgery. Then we asked who colud see for my wifes tremors and with out hesitaing he said Dr P V Ramesh in Koppa. In addition to helping my wife, he was able to help maintain my kshaara sutra therapy as well.

We have come to know that Dr Ramesh is extremely compassionate and knowledgeable in the “pure” ways of Ayurveda. The individualised care and treatment is really good any thing else we have experienced. He was very careful about our diet and medicines. Always checking up on us at least 3times a day. At night we would look forward to the lessons he would teach about the system of Ayurveda and how to maintain a healthy happy and strong life. We truly believe that we were led here to this very special place by God. We cant thank enough Dr Ramesh as well as Rosy, Vimala, Gita, Sujatha Ramesh, Prashanth Dr Kodandaram and Kids for provinding enterainment too. Many blessing to all of You

With love, Sasha (USA) + Tatiana wolfe (Colombia)

November 12, 2018

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N Varadarajan, Mysore

I had no idea about Panchakarma treatment and only after coming here I experienced the procedure of Vamana and though it was difficult initially, the end result was excellent. I never knew that I had such bad lot of KAPHA in me, which I have got rid of fully and I am sure that I will lead a healthy life in future.

N Varadarajan, Mysore March 19, 2017

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H K Prakash, Bangalore

When my brother-in-law advised me to admit my wife to the ashrama, I was a bit hesitant to get her admitted. My past experience and also as per the allopathic system, there is no cure for this and also no recovery. But to my surprise and excitement, after two course of treatment, my wife is recovering from the disease called Multiple Sclerosis.

H K Prakash (Husband/o Chethana, pt of MS disease), Bangalore March 19, 2017

Frank Godding, Holland

I enjoyed my stay at Partha Ayurveda Ashramam. Dr.Ramesh has excellent knowledge about Ayurveda and practices it in traditional way. The hospital has good staff and the food was also very delicious. After 1month of treatment I feel very good. The reason why I stayed at Partha was not to cure a specific disease but just rebalance my body and mind.

Frank Godding, Holland March 19, 2017

Marko, Germany

In springtime 2011, I had the pleasure to take the Panchakarma-Treatment at Dr.Ramesh's. The reason was less a serious illness but rather the want for purification. I was on site and wanted to take the opportunity. The treatment took place from February 15th to April 1st. I took Shirodhara, Shiropichu, Shirobasti, furthermore cleanings of ears and eyes.

Marko, Germany March 19, 2017